Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Garage nearing completion

So I have been working like a maniac to get my garage all finished up. You know, in time to use the heated space before the winter is over. We're getting very close.

First came the heater. Sterling GG45 (Garage Guy 45,000BTU).

I picked this particular unit because it A.) was the best price on the specs I wanted for made in USA and B.) because it came factory equipped for separated combustion with concentric venting. That means only one exterior wall penetration, and it pulls air for the burner box from outside. Also, offers a roughly 8% gain in efficiency. This thing is working great!

 We have it configured to use two 100lbs propane tanks, set up on an automatic switching regulator. It's been cold here, and in over two weeks of run time we've used only about 60% of a tank. I'm very happy, and as I keep finding more and more cold air leaks to plug up with GreatStuff foam (more on that later!) it's using less and less every day.

I've since added a door to the enclosure, but no photo. Oops.

Two things happened next. One, I went all kinds of OCD on the electrical panel and removed it from the wall so I could re-route the ground wire, insulate behind it, panel that section properly... and let's face it, because it was crooked.

We paneled the entire loft in 7/16" OSB, which was a royal pain. Since have put down decking to have a half storage loft.

And finished up the wall panels. As an added bonus, this stuff works just like a dry erase board!

And then, my garage got a new resident. Projects just keep coming!

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