Thursday, August 15, 2013

Today is an actual project day!

So my 1972 1 ton flatbed GMC is nicknamed Big Red. Big Red started out life as a factory platform stakebody. Since I like playing at being Dr. Frankenstein, it's recently been merged with a '67 Chevy dumptruck, which I posted some pictures of before.

Today's task: Start manufacturing wooden spacer blocks to support the dump body frame. GM originally used wood to carry the platform bed.

Really, GM? Wood??

Anyways, here's the result.

Also, since Red was the first year for windshield mounted (read: glued on) rearview mirrors, it had predictably fallen off. Today, I replaced it with a good old fashioned roof mount. Much better.

Unfortunately for me, such a part order usually comes with one of these:
So I should probably be hiding my wallet.

Next up on my list, on a completely different subject, is loosing my sanity:
That is, in fact, the bucket of my just over 1 year old John Deere tractor... and a jigsaw.

You know. Because that's what normal people do. Though a lot of people would argue I lost my sanity with this particular toy when I added a sweet exhaust stack.

But I digress.

I was busy adding this pretty sweet receiver hitch. Now I can move trailers around without having to take the backhoe off and install a 3 point attachment Every. Single. Time.

Of course, I had to make it the right color
And then, after painting, I discovered a need for reinforcement in the top of the bucket. My flatbed trailer is a tad tongue heavy. Oh well, project for another day.

Also. Stanley tape measures will burn. I was surprised to learn this today. They actually burn quite well.

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